15As children, we are all pretty much weaned on cartoons to entertain us. So much so that today's youngsters have whole channels dedicated to animated shows. It's surprising then, that animation isn't used more for adult audiences with adult themes.
There's an argument that shows like The Simpsons and Family Guy are carrying that particular mantel on TV, but examples in mainstream Hollywood are less scarce. The last big US release was probably Richard Linklater's Waking Life in 2001. Here's another one that can be added to that very short list.
Michael Stone (David Thewlis) has just arrived in Cincinnati; it's just an overnight stay as he's a speaker at a conference on customer service. He checks into his hotel room, orders food from room service, then considers calling an ex, who lives in the area.

Thes beds aren't as comfy as Lenny henry makes out.
He does, and they meet up. But it doesn't go well. He then bumps into two women, who just so happen to be fans of his, who are attending the conference. One of them, Lisa (Jennifer Jason Leigh) is like a breath of fresh air to him. She is unlike anyone else he has ever met before, as she manages to resuscitate him from a dour existence. Before you know it, Michael is reminded what it is to live again, bringing something into his life that has long been missing - happiness.
This latest film from Charlie Kaufman - writer of modern classics such as Being John Malkovich, Adaptation and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - has been a long time coming, with his last film being 2008's Synecdoche, New York, which also marked his directorial debut.
Kaufman has got behind the camera again, although this time co-directing with Duke Johnson, to bring this curious stop-motion animation to our screens.

Come one, she's already showed you, it's a film!!!
Animation often gives you the license to create the kind of incredible imagery that would either cost a fortune, or just be impossible to do, with live action. Here though, Kaufman has delivered a slice of lo-fi model animation with his tale of the mundane.
Much of the film takes place in your average hotel room, with the main character clearly suffering from an existential crisis. We know this not from any use of animated gimmickry, but simply from the way the character behaves.
It's no surprise to learn that this is an adaptation from Kaufman's own play; and to all intent and purposes this is essentially an animated play. It skilfully maintains the intimacy you would get with a play, but also conveys a heavy sense of confinement; not only does Michael feel trapped in his life, but it also feels like his physically imprisoned by the hotel.
On the one hand, it's a wonder why Kaufman just didn't produce this feature as live-action; it would have been just as effective and no doubt far cheaper to produce. On the other hand though, there's a remarkable amount of detail and realism that is offered here. Not only that, there's a surprisingly honest sex scene that would most definitely make Lady Penelope blush.
Where it comes slightly unstuck as a project however, is probably its length. At an hour and a half, it slightly outstays its welcome in what it sets out to achieve. It would have benefitted from being a short, where it could have said all it had to say with more impact with brevity.
Still, it's just good to see Kaufman back at work, once again delving into the human psyche in such an originally animated fashion.