Drive Angry
18There are some films that you could easily describe as popcorn films; they're light, fluffy affairs, not to be taken too seriously. This disgruntled vehicle of Nic Cage's however could possibly be described as the world's first Pot Noodle flick; just like the potted snack, this film will be an acquired taste, and although you may partake of a healthier cinematic diet for most of the time, its grimy content just may satisfy that craving you sometimes get for something utterly filthy.
Nothing really good comes of joining a cult; that's something that the daughter of Milton (Nicolas Cage) can testify to, being that the one she joined murdered her. And if that wasn't enough to make Milton's blood boil, they also plan on sacrificing his baby granddaughter too.
But Milton decides to put his foot down and say enough is enough, and nothing will stop him from saving her. Not even being in hell. So he escapes. Don't ask how, he just does OK?
Milton's path soon crosses that of hot waitress Piper (Amber Heard). She soon finds herself out of work though when her boss decides to get a little too friendly. Leaving work early leads her into another life-changing scene, when she catches her boyfriend doing something he shouldn't be. So in a crossroads in her life, she decides to help out Milton on his little crusade.
Despite driving around in beefy muscle cars, the road ahead for the pair is not a smooth one. Not only are the law on the lookout for them, but a stranger by the name of the Accountant (William Fichtner)is very keen to track them down too. But let's face it, if you've managed to escape hell like Milton has, then there's not a whole lot that's going to slow you down.

Rumour is that Charlie Sheen is behind the wheel. Get outta the way everyone, run for your lives!!!
Watching this 2D version it's clear for all to see that this film was made for 3D. That's no surprise really, as it's one of the few films made that was shot in 3D, as opposed to have been tinkered with in post-production. It's hardly subtle, with objects flying towards you every which way. It probably looks quite pointy with a 3D set up, but watching it in old school, it all looks rather forced. Still, that's the least of this film's worries.
There's nothing wrong with having a preposterous story, as this one obviously has, but its stupidity is highlighted by really poor execution by its writer/director Patrick Lussier, who sadly also has the dreadful My Bloody Valentine on his CV.
The fact that Cage has somehow escaped hell is completely swept under the carpet, which is a shame as it's a far more interesting concept than the one Lussier plumped for. As far as Cage is concerned, it's his hair that does all the worthwhile acting (or perhaps that should be his hair's stunt double), leaving Cage himself to put in a dull Terminator-like performance.
Heard is a pleasant distraction, but as there's no physical attraction between her and Cage's character, it's difficult to ascertain what really is the point to her character being on screen.
Fichtner is the only one who really comes out of this car crash with any real credibility, which is saying something. He's probably the only actor who doesn't take the film that seriously, which is why his performance is a gear or two higher than the others.
But despite the film's stupidity, or more likely because of it, there's almost a watchable, rubbernecking quality to it. It's pure, high energy, low brain cell entertainment, with its curious mix of The Dukes of Hazzard meets The Terminator.
If you want to switch off and let a film bulldoze over you, then put the kettle on and get that Pot Noodle ready.