Family Guy:
Something, Something, Something, Dark Side
15A long time ago, in a living room far, far away... Peter Griffin once again finds himself as the centre of attention, telling his family the next instalment in his retelling of a certain sci-fi trilogy. No, not that one, the proper one. You know, the original. Yes, of course we mean Star Wars.
This is the sequel to Blue Harvest, the Family Guy homage to Star Wars: Episode 4 – a New Hope. It will come as no surprise to learn that this extended episode follows in the space steps of The Empire Strikes Back, which for many, is the ultimate episode in the saga.
As before, the Family Guy cast take on the galactic characters, with Peter as cool space pirate Han Solo, Brian as Chewie, Lois as Leia, Chris as Luke and foul-mouthed infant Stewie as the Dark Lord of the Sith himself, Darth Vader.

I don't know why you're looking so smug with your self, that is nothing like a lightsabre.
Considering that this episode is just shy of an hour, it’s amazing how faithful it is to the original. If you don’t know the story, then quite frankly, go away and don’t waste our time. It’s an epic tale of good vs evil, and if you haven’t seen it by now, then there’s really not much hope for you.
What we are prepared to tell you is that it’s lovingly retold, obviously by a bunch who obsessed over the original probably a little too much. It’s brimming with sight gags, sharp on- liners and clever set pieces. If you’re a fan of both franchises, it may well be the ultimate drool fest.
What’s also great to see is the quality of the animation; it looks absolutely stunning, particularly in High Def. The only grumble is the screen ratio which plays back in its original TV 4:3 ratio. With the amount of detail that’s gone into its overall look, it would have been great to see it in all its cinematic glory, akin to the Star Wars films.
In terms of characters, the only one that could have been pushed a little is that of Yoda; he’s played by Chris’ boss Carl, without the gruff Yoda throat clearing, or even his backwards way of speaking. Disappointed by this we were. More attention to this they could have paid.
The Blu-ray special features are pretty impressive though. Firstly it’s triple play (Blu-ray, DVD version, digital copy) which means you can watch it every which way. On top of that it also has a commentary featuring, amongst others, Family Guy creator Seth McFarlane, and the episode’s writer and director. There’s also an animatic scene-by-scene with commentary from the director Dominic Polcino, Family Guy fact-ups, poster art and two table readings – one 45 minute one for this episode, and one for inevitable third instalment entitled here Episode VI: We Have a Bad felling About This.
The farce is strong in this one. Did we really say that? Yes, yes we did, and we don’t even care.