The Killing seasons 1-3 boxset
15 ¦ DVDWhatever happened to Nordic Noir? It seems like only yesterday that this cute term, which was quickly adopted by The Guardian and the like - mainly to show how truly hip and cool they were watching telly from Scandinavia - appeared in every other article in the northern hemisphere.
For the most part though, the lights have gone out on this genre, mainly due to BBC 4 not showing it anymore.

Why not binge-watch yourself to death with this murderous boxset?
The essence of Nordic Noir however lives on a little longer however, thanks in part to the US version of the Danish hit Forbryldelsen.
Not that it's been an easy ride for the American series, having been cancelled not once but twice in its short life span. That said, Netflix saved the day for fans by coughing up for a fourth series, made up of six episodes, to tie up all those bloodied loose ends.
This boxset then is the perfect way to catch with all things Sarah Linden, played by Mireille Enos. But is this series worth your time?

Well, you don't see that every day.
If you have seen the Danish original, then the story of the murder of young teenage girl will be a familiar one. That said, this US version - unlike the current US version of Broadchurch called Gracepoint (which even sees David Tennant playing the same character as he does in the UK version, only Americanised), which is almost a shot-for-shot remake - is far less rigid.
This allows the development of two elements: the plots themselves, and almost more importantly, the relationship between Detectives Linden (Enos) and Holder (Joel Kinnaman). From a tentative beginning, where the pair don't exactly see eye to eye, grows a fascinating bond that is nothing short of captivating.
The fact that it also aired on terrestrial TV gave it a license to be that little bit darker and broodier than your average US cop show. And certainly setting it in the monochrome city of Seattle certainly helped; there's a reason why Grunge was born there.
There are plenty of boxset dramas you can binge on, but The Killing isn't necessarily one of them. It's one that commands your full attention and shouldn't really be rushed. Stick with it however and you'll be rewarded with drama that it would be criminal to miss out on.