15¦ Blu-ray, DVDTired. That's what we are after countless superhero titles. And if we're a little honest, bored too. There was a time, during puberty, where we would read our comics and dream of being able to watch their adventures on the big screen. All we can say is, be careful what you wish for.
The last standalone Wolverine title, ingeniously entitled The Wolverine, was an utter mess. So considering that its director James Mangold also helmed this latest super lupine outing, the needle on the old excite-o-meter was hardly budging.
It's the year 2029 and it's clear that for James "Logan" Howlett (Hugh Jackman), his best years are well behind him, despite being the mutant Wolverine.
It transpires that he is a dying breed, with no new mutants having been born in the last 25 years.

Oh my bad, it looks like it's not a fancy dress party after all.
His life has changed dramatically; along with fellow mutant Caliban (Stephen Merchant), the pair find themselves carers for the extremely fragile Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart), who, in his nineties, is struggling with health issues - both physical and mental. The latter being more of a problem considering he's the brainiest person on the planet.
All are happy enough to be keeping a low profile and off the radar. The peace and quiet doesn't last long however, when Logan is approached by Gabriela (Elizabeth Rodriguez), a nurse who needs his help to escort her young daughter Laura (Dafne Keen) to North Dakota. Laura is special and is attracting attention from a bad lot.
At first Logan declines the offer, but unfolding events conspire against himself, Charles, and Laura as the three of them soon find themselves on the run and fighting for their lives.
Hugh Jackman is always worth watching. Even in the rubbish The Wolverine. The fact that this is his swansong playing the character is a slight draw in itself. Luckily, this is vastly superior in every way to the dire 2013 title. Not only that, it's quite possibly the best superhero film yet released.

Worst. Uber. Ride. Ever.
The key to this film working are its relationships. There's something quite tender between Logan and Charles; they have been through quite a lot together and there's more than a little father and son bond between them. The other is the touching relationship between Laura and Logan; this is particularly impressive considering that Laura says very little throughout.
It doesn't get bogged down with dull superhero antics, instead focusing on what is ultimately a film about babysitting. It's less about superheroes and more about the frailties of being human.
But as well as all that emotional stuff, the film packs a mighty punch in the violence stakes. At times it could be confused for being a promotional video for a Nutri Ninja, as Logan slices and dices his way through the bad guys. It's breathtakingly brutal in places and feels like the best grown up comic we've never read.
Mangold has finally zeroed in to the man inside Wolverine and has delivered, at times, a beautiful critique of what it's like to be a fading super mutant who is fully aware of his own mortality.
It's an almost poetic end for Jackman's time as Wolverine, and it's something he can be very proud of.
Now if only Mangold would direct every superhero flick, the (super)world would be in safer hands.