Night Moves
15It may be hard for some to accept but the cold, hard truth is that we have really fucked up this planet of ours. Before we came along the dinosaurs had lovely fresh air to breath and clean water to drink. Then the human race popped up and screwed everything up by just smearing everything in toxic waste.
If you think you're doing your bit by recycling your rubbish and reusing your plastic bags when you do your big shop, well, you are. But for many - like the protagonists in this film - it's just not enough.

Jesse Eisenberg and Dakota Fanning attempt to save the world, but fail miserably.
Living on a sustainable co-operative farm, Josh (Jesse Eisenberg) is already doing his fair share for the environment. But he's more dedicated than that and wants to do more. He hatches a plan with like-minded Dena (Dakota Fanning) and Harmon (Peter Sarsgaard) to create quite a stir: they want to blow a hole in a hydroelectric dam.
They want to do so to highlight the damage that industry is causing to the environment. But despite all their preparation, their mission doesn't quite go to plan.

It appears that bears really do shit in the woods.
Both Eisenberg and Fanning are happy to turn their back momentarily on Hollywood and dip their acting toes in the rewarding waters of independent film-making. Actually, as far as Fanning is concerned, it appears that she has no other choice than to do more indie projects, with Hollywood seemingly turning its back on her career. Either way, it's understandable why actors do it. But they really should give more thought about the choice of projects.
Night Moves is a truly dull experience. It starts off quiet and unassuming and quickly fades off into the distance. It also manages to literally lose its plot over halfway through, where it struggles to shift its storyline into even duller waters. It succeeds.
Director Kelly Reichhardt has managed to get a great cast together, all of which give low-key and earthy performances, and completely blows the opportunity with a lifeless and limp script. So much so that even if you're die-hard fans of the three major stars, you'll probably find it a struggle to make it through all the way to the end. And even then, there's nothing of interest or at all rewarding to meet you there.
It's great to have a cause, and there's no doubt that Eisenberg, Fanning and Sarsgaard all probably felt this was a worthy project on paper, but the next time they're feeling generous with their talent they should put it to better use than this. After all, doesn't the rainforest still need saving?
For a film that attempts to bring a green story to the screen, it's all too grey to really care about.