12 ¦ Blu-ray, DVDSometimes when you review a title that is mind-numbingly bad you start to doubt yourself as to whether it really could have been that bad after all. As far as this film is concerned however, ironically enough, there are no niggling doubts of paranoia. It really is that bad.
Young hip thing Adam Cassidy (Liam Hemsworth) works in the world of tech and reckons himself to be on the cusp of great things. After a presentation to his big boss Nicolas Wyatt (Gary Oldman) it transpires he was a little off the mark, and he and his team are fired.
Bummed out by this, he takes off with his nerd herd and blows a hefty amount on drinks with the company credit card.
The next day he gets dragged back into the office to face Wyatt once more. Instead of being peeved about the drinks bill, Wyatt explains it was all a bit of a ruse and that he thinks a lot of him. So much so that he's offering him a new position, with the kind of salary he could only dream of. It's a little unusual though, and more than a little risky.
Wyatt wants Adam to get employed by his competitors Eikon, get close to their big cheese Jock Goddard (Harrison Ford) – a former colleague and friend of Wyatt's – and get his hands on his latest project. With hospital bills piling up over his ailing father, Adam has no choice but to accept.
As it turns out, Adam does get a position in Eikon, who clearly sees his potential, and so begins Adam's new path into the seedy world of corporate espionage.

Listen kid, enjoy it while it lasts, coz it may not last that long. I starred in Jaws, now look at me.
Let's face it, who wouldn't be curious about a film featuring performances from both Oldman and Ford; after all, it's the first time they've appeared together since 1997's Air Force One. Unfortunately for all concerned this dire project is one that its stars, and everyone else, would do well to erase from memory.
Although director Robert Luketic has had success with fluffy titles like Legally Blonde, Monster-in-Law and The Ugly Truth, he is seriously out of his depth with the thriller genre. He struggles from the off with any attempt at conveying drama; it has about as much tension as a digestive biscuit. Actually that's unfair on the digestive, as it's a far more tense affair pulling one out of a hot drink and seeing how long it will hold before it falls apart. This effort fell apart not long after the opening credits. Digestive FTW.
It's almost as if no one actually read the script. It has more holes in it than sieve. Clearly Luketic had no idea what corporate espionage was, so just made it up as he went along. He's not helped by the young Hemsworth (brother of Thor) much; he may have the looks of a leading man, but he seriously struggles to emote throughout, as his face appears to have been ironed with just the one expression.
And then you have Ford. It's more than a little sad to see Indiana Solo, sporting an unflattering cropped hairstyle, appear in such drivel. If he needs the cash so badly then perhaps fans should have a whip round, or even a non-kickstarter campaign, to prevent him even considering such tosh in the future.
The only one that comes out of it fairly unscathed is Amber Heard, who fulfils her obligations as generic love interest satisfactorily enough.
When a film billed as a thriller is completely devoid of thrills, you have to lose respect for all those concerned. And certainly where Ford and Oldman are concerned, they really should have known better. Clearly the pair of them were out of their minds.