Resident Evil Revelations (16)
360, PS3, Wii U, PCEarly last year Capcom released this title, to certain acclaim, on the 3DS. Obviously for fans of the Resident Evil series who didn't own Ninty's handheld console, it was a bit of a bummer on missing out.
Capcom however, in their infinite wisdom, decided that the story was big enough to port from the 3DS onto consoles. So tweaking some bits and pieces under its bonnet, they've released this shiny High Def version for the stay at home crowd.
Bearing in mind that this version is indeed a port, expectations should be low, which is just as well. Considering that we're on the cusp of the many marvels to come with the next gen peeking over the horizon, Revelations looks dated, even with its HD make-over. We're not even talking this gen either; it looks and feels like a fairly impressive game on the likes of the PS2. It's a fine line between retro-charm and simply being zombie-dog ugly and this game sways precariously back and forth on that particular high wire.
The survival horror genre has certainly moved on since the early Resi games, with the likes of the Dead Space franchise pushing the scary envelope. No, we haven't come across a scary envelope before either (unless you consider those with huge bills in them, which can certainly scare), but you get the drift.
Revelations is a stubborn game though. It's characters still move about in a nonchalant manner, as if being hounded by the undead wasn't really all that frightening. Trying to get away from monsters, you never break out of anything more than a shuffle. In fact the elderly in their zimmer frames could out manoeuvre them quicker. But that's not the old school Resident Evil way.
It has to be said that the game's story is utter gibberish. All you really need to know is that monsters want to kill you and you have limited ammo in which to stop them. It does offer a little in variety with a flashback or two, which allows for a different setting, and playing as another character.
At the beating heart of this game however, is a game that fans of the series will recognise. Which means you should expect a lot of shuffling around in mostly confined spaces, looking out for ammo, keys, and magical herbs. And of course, you'll probably need your shoes re-soled with the amount of back-tracking you will need to do.
It sounds odd, but there's also something rather cosy about the kind of horror this game delivers. The kind of shocks it confronts you with may well have sent rippled chills down your spine a gaming generation ago, but now it's more likely to put a warm grin on your face. Yes, many of its key moments hark back to those heady days of being caught out by dogs jumping through windows of a narrow corridor, but there's really nothing wrong with that.
Yes it's dated, in its looks and game play, and yet many will be seduced by its obedience to old school gaming rules. For the series to continue, Capcom will definitely have to pull out bigger guns – that don't have you scurrying around in the corners for ammo - in order for the franchise to survive, as it's unlikely this kind of game, port or not, is likely to wash on the next gen machines.
In the meantime, like a box set of eighties action flicks, you can settle back and enjoy a little of how they used to do entertainment in the old days with Revelations.