18 ¦ Blu-rayIn 1981 the film Scanners exploded onto screens – quite literally. It was the fifth film to be directed by Canadian David Cronenberg and it clearly demonstrated his gift for directing darker material.
Thirty two years on and this classic film makes its debut onto Blu-ray.
It's easy to say that someone's special, but can they do what scanners do? Scanners are people with the ability to tap into the minds of others and understand their thoughts. Not only that, they can control their thoughts too.
For Cameron Vale (Stephen Lack) having this power is too overwhelming. He decides to keep a low profile, stay off the grid, in an attempt to be left alone and get on with his life as best he can. But at a food court in a shopping mall, he can't control his powers and gets found out and taken away by some heavies who work for ConSec.
There, he gets introduced to Dr. Paul Ruth (Patrick McGoohan) who understands what he's going through. Ruth is fully aware of what it's like to be a scanner, but informs Cameron that he can help him control it.
Ruth also admits that he needs his help, as there is an underground group of scanners, led by a Darryl Revok (Michael Ironside), who are using their powers for evil. Ruth wants Cameron to infiltrate this devious group and bring it down from the inside. Cameron agrees but isn't quite prepared for the mental battle ahead.

Look, can't you see I've have a rough day?! So let me burn these tea lights in my hand if I want.
With the development of special effects, particularly in the make-up department, the eighties witnessed some impressive scenes in the horror genre and the film's make-up artist Dick Smith was at the forefront of it all with his work on this film.
The film may well be starting to show its age in the acting department, but it still holds its own on the effects front. This Blu-ray version really allows its incredible set pieces to shine, in all their gory glory. And with its suitably menacing soundtrack, it's just as dark and disturbing as you remember it being.
Despite two sequels and two spin-off films, none of which involved Cronenberg, it's the original that's still easily the most superior offering.
Cronenberg's film is a true classic in the horror genre and still contains some iconic, mind-blowing scenes not to be missed.