The Sims 3
3DSLife can be a funny old game. You work all the hours under the sun, just so you can pay the bills. Then, if you don’t want to end up old and lonely, you have to try and find someone (same sex or opposite) who will put up with you, for better or worse. On top of that you have to exercise to stay fit and eat well to stay healthy.
One way certain people relax is by playing video games. Nothing wrong with that. But a game where you have to work hard, pay bills, find a partner, live under the same roof, cook and clean...well it’s nothing short of sadistic behaviour at its finest.
And yet The Sims franchise is more popular than a Middle Eastern dictator as well as being that little bit easier to pick up and play.
Despite the series being primarily a PC title, in recent years there’s been a noticeable push to get it onto our consoles. So far, the experience has been less rich and detailed compared to its PC cousins, but can adding a new dimension give it an edge?

Sure I like to party, but who doesn't like to hang out at libraries and read?! Hell, this is my idea of foreplay.
It has to be said that besides the obvious 3D element, there’s very little difference between the DS version and this one; so if you already own it, there’s nothing that new here to buy it again.
Visually speaking the game doesn’t look too bad on the new console. It’s not difficult to be sceptical about how making the environment 3D changes the game much, but after playing it, it actually makes a lot of sense for a title like this, particularly when you consider moving furniture etc around your home.
The first real gimmick that greets you is the ability to take a picture of yourself and the game then creates a Sim in your likeness. If you’re expecting a passport likeness however, you will be disappointed. In fact, the Sims it generates look so utterly generic it's sometimes difficult to tell if the Sim is male or female.
You then jump through the standard Sims hoops. Get a job, buy a house, buy furniture, learn to cook etc. You either enjoy this style of game play, or not.
Thankfully you’re not limited to just the confines of your house, but can go and visit other places, for a coffee, to see a film, to shop etc. Sadly you aren’t given that many options in terms of destinations, but if gets you out for bit, that’s OK.
The main focus of the game is goals. Reach certain goals and you’ll be rewarded. Don’t and, well, you won’t. The more simoleans you make, the more stuff you buy; and as we all know, buying stuff makes you happy.
And that’s basically that. Considering it’s a pocket version of a PC game, you have to give it a certain amount of kudos for fitting such a big game concept inside such a tiny machine. It’s certainly a commendable attempt.
If you’re a Sims fan though, who desperately needs their Sim fix on the go, then you’ll probably get a sufficient hit from this. But for a game that’s popped into the third dimension, it does suffer from a lack of real depth.