Derrenn Brown: Svengali DVD competition

To celebrate the release of Derren Brown: Svengali on DVD, we've got 3 copies to be won, courtesy of 4DVD. Closing date: 13th April 2013.

About Derren Brown: Svengali:
Famous for his hugely popular TV shows such as The Experiments and Apocalypse, as well as theatrical shows including his 2007 show Mind Reader – An Evening of Wonders and his 2010 Enigma, Derren Brown once again creates a magnetic spectacle in his fifth stage tour Svengali.
Directed by Polly Findlay and filmed in front of a live sell-out audience at the Theatre Royal in Nottingham, Brown shows off his remarkable skills as the master of illusionists.
Centered around ‘Svengali’, a two-hundred year old automaton who has an inexplicable ability to possess members of the audience, brace yourselves for a spectacular performance. See Brown extract secret confessions from the audience, paint an extraordinary portrait and have an audience member possessed by his very own Svengali.
Available to own for the first time on DVD and considered to be his darkest show to date, Brown creates a spine-tingling atmosphere leaving audiences baffled and astonished at the wonders of his magic.
For your chance to win, correctly answer the following question:Philip Seymour Hoffman was Oscar-nominated for his role as a mysterious Svengali-like figure. What was the name of the film?
Best of luck.
Terms & Conditions
1. This competition is only open to UK residents aged 12 or over, excluding BOOM's friends and family and anyone else directly associated with this promotion.
2. The first three names drawn will receive a copy of Derren Brown: Svengali on DVD.
3. One entry per person - and yes, we will check. If we find that you have entered multiple times, we will disqualify you from this competition. Repeat offenders will be disqualified from future competitions. And we don't like robots, so we investigate multiple entries and entries suspected as being from robots will be deleted.
4. Closing date for entries is midnight on 13th April 2013.
5. Winners will be notified within 7 days by email. If a winner does not respond with their posting details 7 days after we sent them the initial notification email, their prize will be offered to another person following a subsequent further draw. This process will repeat until somebody responds and tells us where to send the prize. If you're entering, please do remember to check your emails!